Friday, September 18, 2009

My New Favorite Photo!

I love love love this picture! Big, strong Daddy holding his son. And little Jack's expression is so adorable! He looks so content. Loves his Daddy! Love my boys!

A Few New Pictures


Breastfeeding at the Beach!

Laura and Jack

Tummy Time! Look at that strong boy!

My little Goofball.

Our Heroes

I went in for my post-birth follow-up appointment with Dr. Gesteland last Tuesday. Jack was a little fussy so he stayed home with Don. After the appointment was finished I stuck around to get a flu shot. Heidi, one of the awesome nurses at the Perinatal Center, let slip that Dr. Gesteland was quite bummed that I hadn't brought Jack in. I just don't know why it didn't occur to me that she would want to see him. And, of course, it should have! After all, Don and I saw her (and all of the staff) sometimes up to once a week for close to ninth months! She worked very hard to help ensure that Jack stayed put in my womb where he belonged until he was fully cooked. And on July 16th, she was there to bring him into the world.

So, of course, later that day Don and I made a return visit with Jack in tow. Everyone came out from the back of the office into the waiting room to get a look at him. There were lots of "ooh's" and "ahh's" and comments like "he's soooo cute" and "oh my god, look at all of that hair!"

Little Jack slept through the whole thing! Before we left I snapped a picture of Heidi and Dr. Gesteland holding Jack. She looks like one proud doctor!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crying--In Three Acts

Tidbits from the last couple weeks...

First time at the park!

First nap in the crib!

First car trip to Sauvie Island. (You can see he thoroughly enjoyed it....)

First time wearing Auntie Jen's baby shower gift.

Meeting Johnny and Lisa for the first time. (Loved them!)

First time at a wedding reception. LOVED the loud noises!

Just plain funny.