Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cottage Cheese!!

(My personal favorite. Blahhhhh!)
He was a little on the fence at first, but cottage cheese is a decided hit!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy International Women's Day!

Six women, one baby boy, and two very sweet Golden Retrievers celebrated the day by watching Ken Burn's documentary
Not for Ourselves Alone,
The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.
Due in very large part to the tireless will and determination of these women, we women today can  vote, leave an abusive marriage, have custody of our children, ownership of our bodies, own property, have gainful employment, and serve in office. 

Thank you.

First day of Spring and the Saturday Market is hopping!

As you can see from the crosswalk that connects both sides of the Market, just about everyone in Portland decided this was the perfect place to spend a balmy, gorgeous Spring day.
And despite the warnings of sinning and drunkeness, the beer tents had no lack of thirsty customers.
 A view of Waterfront Park.
Thank you, Portland for a perfect day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mister Crawler, meet Baby Jail

Now that our little dumpling is mobile, the Pack 'n' Play has taken up residence in our family room. So far, Jack doesn't seem to mind too much when he's being 'detained'.

A chip off the old block.

I was unloading pictures from the camera and look what I found.
That looks like love at first sight to me!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cell phone pictures...

Last night I was thumbing through the images stored on my phone and came across some gems of Jack. Though many are just downright precious, note the inordinate amount of goofy shots of him.
Please enjoy...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Day in the Life

Jack beds down for the night, all snuggly under one of his quilts.

4:30am: A bottle and some quiet time in bed with Mommy.

Changing table time!

Exploration time!

Jack looking awfully cute.

Jack looking awfully tired.

Time for toys.

Car ride!

Coffee with "Auntie" Leenda.

Crib time!

Dinner time!

Bath time!

Then nighty-night time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My day after work with Jack.

Today was Jack's first walk sitting up in his stroller! It was a cold, blustery, late March afternoon. My little guy and I got bundled up and off we went, out to explore the neighborhood.
We saw some pretty flowers.
Sleepy and content, Jack enjoyed looking at all of the pretty houses and all of the yards bursting with flowers.
He waited patiently while I took a picture of this pile of phone books.
I counted seven--all in various states of decomposition.
(Funny, though usually an eerie word, "decomposition" has a nice ring to it when talking about books.)
Soon it was time for a little siesta with his bear, while I walked us to the park, enjoying the birds chirping their evening songs.
Then it was park time. We enjoyed a snuggle, Jack nestled on my lap, watching a golden labradoodle chase after her ball. Then a drop here and there turned to sprinkles and it was time to stroll our way home.
A bottle, a tasty bowl of oatmeal, some pizza for me, a warm bath and time spent in the rocking chair listening to my old music boxes.
My son drifted off to sleep in my arms. 
And it was the perfect end to a perfect evening.