Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jack's First Haircut

It must be said that from the moment he was born, Jack's hair has been a very popular subject of conversation. In fact, it was the first thing remarked upon the moment he crowned. "Look at all that HAIR!" Before he was even born I was allowed to reached down and feel his head and yes, he had a LOT of hair, and yes, I realize this probably conjures an image of me in a pose you may have never thought--nor wanted--to think about!

His hair was dark, dark brown just like mine was when I was born. We attribute this to the Spanish blood on my Dad's side (my great-grandmother was from Spain.) It grew in a perfect little mohawk for the first 4 or so months until it grew so long that it just plain flopped over. And that's when the CURLS started. Little boy had a perfect head of cupid curls that would sproing up as they dried after bathtime. "What I would give for curls like that." I heard this statement countless times.

And as he got older his hair got blonder, finally settling into a beautiful golden blond mop that just got longer and longer. It became increasingly common to hear "What a little cutie!! What's HER name?" Um, her name is Jack, thankyouverymuch.

There were comments from family that ranged from "That kid needs a buzz cut!" to "Don't you DARE cut that precious boy's beautiful hair!"

And we weren't planning to. But...well...this kid's hair grows like kudzu. I can't fit a hoodie over his head and I cringe when he runs his yogurt through his gorgeous blond locks, knowing if I don't get to it fast I'm going to have a big tangled MESS on my hands.

So it was cutting time. One YouTube video, one pair of sharp scissors, two pacifiers, and the remote control and we were in business! He sat really still through it all and I have to say, he's just as adorable as ever!! I saved several locks to give to interested parties, but hesitated throwing the rest in the trash. It just felt plain wrong to send Jack's beautiful blond hair to a landfill. Google search later to confirm that I could and IN to the composter it went!

This is just one more reminder that our baby is on his way to becoming a kid.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jack's Trip to the Hospital (aka Hernia Shmernia)

 6:30: Playing in the waiting room before surgery.
 7:00: Jack swaps out his street clothes for his little hospital gown and gets his vitals taken.
He was a very good boy and sat still the whole time!
 Inspecting his sticker.

 7:30: Enjoying his Versed before we walked him back to the operating room.
 10:00: Getting some love from his Auntie Cecil.
Jack woke up in the recovery room in pain, coughing and crying for us. After a very tense 15 or 20 minutes, and three doses of morphine, he was able to sleep for a good hour and a half before...
waking up and immediately trying to crawl around!
 Though he was a little out of it, Jack was ready to inspect his crib
and snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. 

By 11:30 Jack was free to go! Now we're home and he's already toddling around the front room, playing with his toys, and demanding LOTS of food. You'd never know he just had surgery! We're  grateful and relieved that everything went so well. What a scary little adventure this has been!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jack's second trip to the pumpkin patch!




 Went out to Hillsboro to visit the Plumper Pumpkin farm today. (Thanks to Auntie Jen for the recommendation!) The place was loaded with people but it didn't feel overrun or packed at all. The setting was beautiful, the pumpkins were plentiful, and Jack LOVED all of the people, babies, and animals. Our booty was humble this year--just two--a sugar pumpkin and a cinderella. To spare ourselves the mess and dangerous sharp objects, there will be no carving, but I'm aiming to try my hand at roasted pumpkin and pumpkin soup! Love the harvest month!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trip to California.

 Jack whiling away the time on the long, long drive home.

 Carrie, Davis, James and Jack celebrate Thewba's wedding.

 The breathtaking view out Laura's front door in Taft.

 Long awaited snuggles with Grandma.

 Jack loves his Aunt Sherryl!

Jack loves Grandpa!
(Please disregard the odd-armed, travel-weary lady.)

Back home, safe and sound with the Velcro kitty.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Goodbye Baby, Hello Toddler!

(Still catching up on photos from this summer.) What a blissful day this was. Jack had just learned how to walk the day before (you can see how proud he is by that big ol' smile) and the sun had finally decided to grace us with her presence.  Best of all, we got a few more shots of our baby crawling before he gave it up entirely.  He has since outgrown that hat and outfit and is now the proud owner of 12, going on 16 teeth! Time sure flies when you're having fun!