Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Making Jack's lunch

Once a week I make Jack a protein meal to eat during lunch while I'm at work. Tonight: in-bone pork chops--antibiotic and hormone free--and minced carrots, broccoli, red onion, garlic and rosemary with a teeny tiny, itsy bitsy, eensy weensy bit of olive oil, kosher salt and cracked pepper. All sauteed and then chopped into Jack-size pieces. Off to the freezer they go for 7 days of yummy lunches!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Tulip Festival

On a beautiful, puffy-white-cloud-kind-of-day, Don and I packed up Jack, some sunblock, a few toys and bottles, and ventured 45 minutes out of town to Woodburn to visit the Wooden Shoe farm for its 25th annual Tulip Festival.
Hazelnut shells made a perfect pathway to the lines for the tram out to the fields.
In the distance you can just make out the vivid colors of the tulips.
Jack relaxing against Mommy for his first tram ride.
Passing a wheat field along the way.
And a few little cow wranglers. Then...
Lots and LOTS of tulips!
Mommy and Daddy (not quite ready for our close-ups) and a sleepy boy.
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful annual friendship.